Fig. 7.
Aging was associated with increases in superoxide production and NADPH oxidase expression in kidney cortex. a Renal segments showing DAPI staining (blue), DHE staining (red), and a merge of DAPI and DHE staining, respectively. An overlap of DAPI and DHE staining (light yellow) indicated superoxide production in the nuclei (200×). b Quantification of superoxide production in kidney cortex. c Quantitative analysis of Nox-2 protein expression in renal cortex (Western blot bands not shown). d Quantitative analysis of Nox-2 protein expression in renal medulla (Western blot bands not shown). Data = mean ± SE. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 vs the Young Intact group. N = 11 animals in the Old Intact group, n = 10 animals in the Young Intact group, n = 9 animals in the Old Impaired group