Figure 5.
The subcellular localization of Staufen requires Miranda. Miranda localizes normally throughout the cell cycle in staufenD3 mutants (a,d,g,j; Miranda labeled in green, DNA in red). Staufen subcellular localization, however, is absolutely dependent on Miranda (b,e,h,k; Staufen labeled in green, Prospero in blue, DNA in red). In mirandaRR127, Staufen is appropriately localized, but concentrates more strongly at the apical side of the neuroblast at interphase (arrowhead in c; Staufen labeled in green, Prospero in blue, DNA in red), and forms a weaker basal crescent at mitosis (i,l). miranda mRNA (labeled in red, DNA in green) localizes predominantly on the apical side of the neuroblast throughout the cell cycle in both wild-type (m) and staufenD3 embryos (n).