The hydrophobic core of the stalk 4HB. (A and B) The 4HB is formed by hydrophobic packing of 11-aa (3, 4-4) repeats. The hydrophobic core is formed by nine residues: Y85, V88, S92, L96, T99, I103, I107, L110, and I114. (C) Sequence alignment of the NDV HN stalk region indicating the 11-residue repeat (a–k), with residues a, d, and h underlined to indicate their location in the hydrophobic core of the 4HB. Residues that specifically affect F activation are indicated by an asterisk above the alignment. I84 and P93 are conserved and highlighted with a red background. Residues colored red and surrounded with a blue box are >70% conserved. Residues 69–78 are not present in the structural model.