Fig. 3.
AP4 modulates variegated CD4 derepression in mice harboring a mutated Cd4 silencer. (A) CD4 and CD8 expression in TCRβhiHSAlo gated mature thymocytes from Tcfap4−/− mice crossed to Cd4 silencer site 3 mutant mice. CD4 expression in site 3 mutant CD8+ mature thymocytes on either AP4-sufficient (Upper) or -deficient (Lower) backgrounds is shown (Right). Filled histograms show CD4 expression in CD8+ mature thymocytes from AP4-sufficient (Upper) or -deficient (Lower) mice with the intact Cd4 silencer. (B and C) CD4 expression in CD8+TCRβ+ lymph node (LN) cells of mice with silencer site 3 mutation, AP4 deficiency, or both. A representative set of data is shown in B and a statistical analysis of frequency of CD4+ T cells within the CD8+ T-cell interval gate in multiple mice is shown in C. Averages and SDs are shown with P values determined by unpaired Student's t test.