Table 2. Refinement and model statistics.
Values in parentheses are for the highest of 20 resolution shells.
Beamline | ALS 5.0.3 |
Resolution range (Å) | 20–1.55 (1.59–1.55) |
Rcryst† | 0.157 |
Rfree† | 0.188 |
R.m.s.d. bonds (Å) | 0.014 |
R.m.s.d. angles (°) | 1.42 |
Protein atoms | 3913 |
Nonprotein atoms | 859 |
Mean B factor (Å2) | 9.9 |
Residues in favored region | 456 [97%] |
Residues in allowed region | 6 [1.3%] |
Residues in disallowed region | 6 [1.3%] |
MolProbity‡ score (percentile) | 1.46 [90th] |
PDB code | 3krs |
cryst =
. The free R factor was calculated using an equivalent equation with the 5% of the reflections that were omitted from the refinement.
Chen et al. (2010 ▶).