Survival curves at 4°C for A) wild type (N2), age-1(hx546) mutants, fat-6(tm331); fat-7(wa36) double mutants and age-1(hx546); fat-6(tm331); fat-7(wa36) triple mutants (n = 90–100 per genotype), B) wild type (N2) and age-1(hx546) mutant controls on empty vector HT115 bacteria (N2(e) and age-1(e)), and fat-6(tm331) mutants, fat-7(wa36) mutants, age-1(hx546); fat-6(tm331) double mutants and age-1(hx546); fat-7(wa36) double mutants on fat-5 RNAi bacteria (n = 50–60 per genotype on empty vector HT115 bacteria, n = 90–100 per genotype on fat-5 RNAi bacteria), C) wild type (N2) and age-1(hx546) mutant controls on empty vector HT115 bacteria, fat-6(tm331); fat-7(wa36) double mutants and age-1(hx546); fat-6(tm331); fat-7(wa36) triple mutants on fat-5 RNAi bacteria, and fat-5(tm420) mutants and age-1(hx546); fat-5(tm420) double mutants on fat-6/fat-7 RNAi bacteria (n = 50–60 individuals per genotype/treatment).