Figure 4.
C6orf221 Expression in Human Ovarian Follicles, Oocytes, Preimplantation Embryos
Expression of C6orf221 and GAPDH was investigated by RT-PCR of cDNA amplified from human ovarian follicles (including granulosa/pregranulosa cells), mature oocytes (granulosa/pregranulosa cell free) and preimplantation embryos. DNA size standard: lane1, primordial follicles (n = 25–40); lane 2, early primary follicles (n = 25–40); lane 3, primary follicles (n = 25–40); lane 4, GV oocyte pool (n = 2); lane 5, MII oocyte pool (n = 5); lane 6, Morula pool (n = 5); lane 7, blastocyst pool 1 (n = 5); lane 8, blastocyst pool 2 (n = 5); negative control (-ve). Diameters used for follicle staging: primordial follicles 34–38 mm, early primary follicles 34–53 mm, primary follicles 52–62 mm, secondary follicles 62–86 mm. The upper panel shows expression of expected 716 bp long C6orf221 mRNA; the lower panel shows expression of the housekeeping gene GAPDH mRNA, used as a control.