Figure 1. Heterochronic parabiosis alters neurogenesis in an age-dependent fashion.
a, Schematic showing parabiotic pairings. b,e, Representative fields of Doublecortin (b) and BrdU (e) immunostaining of young (3–4 months; yellow) and old (18–20 months; gray) isochronic and heterochronic parabionts five weeks after parabiosis (arrowheads point to individual cells, scale bar: 100μm). c–f Quantification of neurogenesis (c,d) and proliferating cells (e,f) in the young (c,e; top) and old (d,f; bottom) DG after parabiosis. Data from 12 young isochronic, 10 young heterochronic, 6 old isochronic and 12 old heterochronic parabionts. g,h, Population spike amplitude (PSA) was recorded from DG of young parabionts. Representative electrophysiological profiles (g) and LTP levels (h) are shown for young heterochronic and isochronic parabionts. Data from 4–5 mice per group. All data represented as Mean + SEM; *P<0.05; **P<0.01 t-test.