Effects of dominant-negative TERT mutants on A431 cells. (A) Telomere restriction fragment length of A431 and 293 stable clones (see Material and Methods). The sizes (kb) of molecular mass markers are labeled. The three sets of samples were run on different percentages of agarose gel, thus showing the different running patterns; A clones, TERT 3-1 mutant; B clones, TERT 5-1 mutants; C clones, TERT 5-1,2 mutants; D clones, wild-type TERT, and E clones, TERT 5-2 mutants. (B) Muristerone induces the expression of dominant-negative TERT mutants. Cell extracts (15 μg/lane) from A431 stable clones with or without the induction of muristerone were detected by Western blotting. The hTERTs are labeled. The same antibody as in Fig. 1 was used. (C) Expression of dominant-negative TERT mutants inhibits telomerase activity in A431 cells. TRAP assay of the same lysate (1 μg) as in B was performed. (Lanes 17–20) The activity of serial dilution of parental A431 cell lysate. The internal control for PCR reaction is shown as labeled. (D) Morphology of A431 cell lines expressing control vector (EcR), wild-type TERT (D2), and mutant TERTs (A10, B10, B11).