Figure 3. DSC analysis of pure and latanoprost loaded DPPC MLVs.
The liposome was made by PBS buffer hydration of anhydrous drug-lipid layer. 10 µl of the liposomal formulation (100 mg/ml) was heated at 1°C/min between −20°C to 65°C. Three heating and two cooling cycles were carried out with each sample and the last reproducible heating cycle was considered for analysis. The drug/lipid mole ratios and their corresponding enthalpy change during transition are reported within parentheses (a) 0.0 (18.9 J/g), (b) 0.03 (8.7 J/g), (c) 0.086 (8.1 J/g), (d) 0.114 (5.2 J/g) and (e) 0.14 (1.6 J/g).