Analysis of Mox-1 and Hox gene expression in the hypomorphic mutants by wholemount mRNA in situ hybridization. Expression of Mox-1 (A–F) in an E9.5 wildtype (A), a IIIcl homozygote (B), a n7 homozygote (C), n15YF homozygotes (D,E), and an E10.5 n15YF homozygote (F). The most anterior somites in n15YF homozygotes were often reduced in size (arrows in D,E). Expression of A-P patterning markers HoxD4 (G), HoxB5 (H,I) and HoxB9 (J,K) in wild type (G,H,J) and n15YF homozygous (G,I,K) embryos. The anterior level of expression of HoxD4 appears shifted posteriorly by one somite level in E8.5 mutant embryo compared to a wild-type littermate (arrows in G). In E9.5 embryos, HoxB5 expression posteriorly was weaker in the n15YF mutants than in the wild-type littermate (arrows in H,I). In a subset of E9.5 embryos hybridized with the HoxB9 probe the anterior level of hybridization appeared posteriorized in the lateral plate mesoderm concomitant to the expansion of the limb fields (arrows in J,K). In all cases the neural expression appeared unchanged (arrowheads in J,K).