Figure 2. Immunoblot of CPE following addition of increasing amounts of CPE over a column with affinity purified rabbit anti-Ara h 6 (peptide, EQEQYDSYDIRSTRSSDQ).
Lane 1, untreated CPE (not passed over a column). Lanes 2–8, 1.5 ml of CPE at various concentrations as shown were passed over 1 ml of packed beads containing 4 – 4.5 mg of antibody. Beads were linked to the rabbit anti-Ara h 6 antibody for lanes 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8. For lanes 5 and 9 the beads were linked to pre-immune IgG. CPE at 3 mg/ml (4.5 mg total) passed over an anti-Ara h 6 columns is shown in lane 2 (one pass) and lane 6 (two passes). CPE at 6 mg/ml (9 mg) passed over an anti-Ara h 6 column is shown in lane 3 (one pass) and lane 7 (two passes). CPE at 12 mg/ml (18 mg) passed over an anti-Ara h 6 column is shown in lane 4 (one pass) and lane 8 (two passes). The immunoblot was probed with a mixture of antibodies to Ara h 1, 2, and 6 as described in the materials and methods section.