LGN RFs before and after intraocular injections of APB. (A-E) RF maps of 5 LGN neurons before and after intraocular injection of APB. RFs were mapped using a white-noise stimulus and reverse-correlation analysis. On responses shown in red, Off responses shown in blue. Scalebars indicate 1° of visual angle. Pixel brightness indicates strength of response. The strength of each post-APB RF is shown normalized to the pre-APB RF with a scaling factor indicated in the lower left of the panel. (A) A typical Off-center cell shows little difference before (left) and after (right) APB injection. (B) A typical On-center cell that became unresponsive following APB application. (C-E) Examples of On-center cells with emergent Off-center RFs following APB application. (F) Summary of the relative size and location of emergent Off-center RFs. The thick black circle corresponds to the initial RF center of 13 On-center neurons fitted with a Gaussian equation and shown with a radius of two space constants (2σ). The overlapping grey circles show the relative size and location of the emergent Off-center RFs with the centers indicated with small black circles. Emergent Off centers were 1.19 +/− 0.06 σ larger, on average, than initial the On centers. Emergent Off RFs were shifted by 0.6 +/− 0.12σ, on average, from the initial On centers.