Properties of H-RasV12-TKO MEFs. (A) Morphological changes induced by activated Ras in TKO MEFs. Left panel shows TKO MEFs infected with a pBabe empty retroviral vector, and right panel shows the same TKO MEFs clone infected with a pBabe-H-RasV12 vector. Photomicrographs were taken 2 wk after infection and selection (magnification 100×). No indications of premature senescence are observed in H-RasV12-TKO cells. (B) Representative proliferation curves of H-RasV12-TKO MEFs. H-RasV12-TKO MEFs continue to proliferate 2 wk after infection and selection, whereas under similar conditions H-RasV12 control MEFs (wild-type, Rb−/− and p107−/−;p130−/−) undergo senescence (data not shown). (C,D) Representative examples of the enhanced ability of H-RasV12-TKO cells to form colonies 2 wk after plating at low density (C) or in soft agar (D), compared to TKO cells infected with a pBabe empty vector (TKO; bar 400 μm).