Figure 3.
(A) Myc and Bmi-1 induce transformation of MEFs. Soft agar assay of MEFs infected at the first passage with control or bmi-1-encoding retroviruses and subsequently with control or myc-encoding retroviruses. (B) Bmi-1 inhibits induction of p19arf by Myc. Western blots showing p16, p19arf, MycHA, MycER, and Bmi-1 protein levels in wild-type MEFs infected first with control (C) or bmi-1 (B) retroviruses and subsequently with control, mycHA, or mycER retroviruses. Tubulin levels served as loading control. Bmi-1 overexpression leads to a down-regulation of p16 and p19arf levels, whereas overexpression of MycHA or MycER (in the absence of 4-OHT) induces p19arf but not p16. Combined overexpression of Bmi-1 and Myc completely abrogates the induction of p19arf by Myc.