Figure 2.
Distribution of diacetylated histone H3 and Lys 8 acetylated H4 does not change during heat shock. In all panels, antibody staining is shown in yellow, chromosomes are counterstained with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; blue). (A) Antibodies specific for H3 acetylated at lysines 9 and 14 stain region 89B, the developmental puff at 34A, and loci 87A, 87C, and 93D, which contain heat shock genes before heat shock. (B) Fragment of chromosome 3R isolated from heat shocked third instar larva showing the 87A, 87C, and 93D heat shock puffs, stained with anti-Lys 9,14 acetylated H3. Subdivision 89B, which does not contain any heat shock genes, is acetylated but not puffed after heat shock. (C) Anti-Lys 8 acetylated H4 antibodies stain discrete regions in polytene chromosomes before heat shock, including the developmental puff at 62A, and nonpuffed region 89B. Heat shock loci 87A and 93D are acetylated before heat shock. (D) Lys 8 acetylated H4 is detected at the 87A and 87C heat shock puffs following heat shock. Chromosomal subdivision 89B, which does not contain heat shock genes, remains H4 acetylated during heat shock.