Analysis of apoptosis, proliferation, and chromosomal stability in Eμ–myc lymphomas. (A) Apoptosis in situ (lymph nodes) was visualized by HE staining and TUNEL. The reduced apoptotic rate observed in INK4a/ARF−/− tumors is consistent with a similar defect observed in the ocular lens of Rb−/−; INK4a/ARF−/− embryos (Pomerantz et al. 1998). (B) Viability of control (●), INK4a/ARF−/− (○), and p53−/− (█) lymphoma cells as measured by trypan blue exclusion after explanting onto feeder cells. (C) Proliferation as estimated by the percentage of mitotic figures in HE-stained lymphoma sections. (D) DNA content analysis of primary Eμ–myc lymphoma. The S-phase fractions of control (30.25% ± 8.31, n = 9) and INK4a/ARF−/− (29.98% ± 6.39, n = 10) were virtually identical, whereas subG1 fractions of control (3.26% ± 3.17) and INK4a/ARF−/− (0.30% ± 0.56) lymphomas were significantly different (P = 0.0097). Note that sub-G1 assessment recognizes only late apoptotic cells and gives lower estimates than TUNEL. Calculations of S-phase and sub-G1 fraction in p53−/− lymphomas were impossible due to aneuploidy. Representative profiles are shown. Note that low frequency of aneuploidy in control and INK4a/ARF−/− lymphomas (1 of 14 and 1 of 14, respectively) is consistent with the overall p53 mutation rate we observed in these tumors.