Tissue sections were analyzed after 6.5 weeks of the HFD. WAT (A) and
BAT (B) were processed using H&E staining. The upper
panels show Parkin+/+ (WT) mice and lower panels show
Parkin–/– (KO) mice.
Original magnification, ×10 (left panels); ×20 (right
panels). (C) The skin epidermal thickness in transverse sections from
Parkin+/+ and
Parkin–/– mice
(H&E staining). Vertical line shows the subcutaneous fat.
(D) TG accumulation in liver sections by Oil Red O and
H&E staining, and cholesterol levels by Filipin staining in Parkin WT
and Parkin–/– mice. Original
magnification, ×20 (left panels); ×20 (middle panels);
×40 (right panels).(E) Hepatic TG levels,
(F) serum-free fatty acid levels, and (G) TG levels in
the feces on the ND and HFD comparing the WT and KO mice. The feces from the mice
fed a ND (n = 4) or HFD (n = 7) for 5 weeks were
collected daily over a 3-day period. Lipids were extracted from the feces and TG
measured using a colorimetric assay. Data are expressed as mean ± SD.
Representative histological images are shown; similar results were acquired from
3–4 independent mice. *P < 0.05;
**P < 0.01 versus controls (n =
4–7 per group).