boz din mutant embryos fail to develop a head and trunk. Live (a,c,e) wild-type and (b,d,f–i) boz din mutant embryos at (a,b) 10 hpf, (c,d) 14 hpf, (h) 24 hpf, and (e–g,i) 30 hpf. (g) Single otic vesicle was often found as the most anterior structure in the less affected class of double boz din mutants. (i) Inset shows tail fin duplication. (a–f,i) Lateral views, dorsal to right; (i) dorsal views, anterior to top; (g) anterior view; (An) Animal; (D) dorsal; (V) ventral; (hr) head rudiment; (tb) tailbud; (fb) forebrain; (mb) midbrain; (hb) hindbrain; (nt) notochord; (ov) otic vesicle; (pr) protrusion; (s) somite; (tf) tail fin. Bar, 100 μm.