Table 1.
PDD2 mutant cells do not give rise to viable progeny
Type of mating cellsa
Number of individual pairs examined
Number of clones with more than 2 cells/drop
Number of clones completed conjugationb
B2086 × CU427 | 100 | 80 ± 12 | 70 ± 10 |
BC1 × BC4 | 100 | 17 ± 15 | 0 |
BC1 × CU427 | 100 | 60 ± 13 | 54 ± 11 |
BC4 × CU427 | 100 | 75 ± 15 | 63 ± 9 |
Wild-type and mutant cells were mated as indicated. Individual cell pairs were cloned in a drop of growth media at 10 hr postmixing. Only drops containing two cells able to move one hr after the transfer were counted. Cells were examined for the ability to divide and move inside drops at 24 hr after transfer.
Each lane represents results obtained in the course of four independent experiments.
To distinguish between cells that completed conjugation (progeny cells) and cells that have aborted from conjugation, all clones conjugated with the CU427 strain were tested for resistance to cycloheximide (only progeny cells should be resistant, see Material and Methods for the CU427 genotype). For the same purpose, cells from the BC1 × BC4 mating were checked for paromomycin resistance (only aborted cells should display resistance), and ability to mate with either CU427 or CU428 cells (only aborted cells should be able to participate in mating again, because progeny cells need to pass through multiple divisions before achieving sexual maturation).