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. 2011 Sep 13;2:226. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00226
Training studies Reported cognitive measures Training control group(s) Study criticisms
Feng et al. (2007) Mental rotation, UFOV Ballance d,e
Green and Bavelier (2003) Various visual/attentional Tetris d,e
Green and Bavelier (2006a) UFOV, Flanker Tetris d,e
Green and Bavelier (2006b) Enumeration, object tracking Tetris d,e
Green and Bavelier (2007) Visual acuity Tetris d,e
Green et al. (2010) Decision making The Sims 2 d,e
Li et al. (2009) Contrast sensitivity The Sims 2 d,e
Li et al. (2010) Resistance to masking The Sims 2 d,e
Boot et al. (2008) 12 Cognitive measures Tetris, no game d,e

aOvert recruiting (possible differential demand characteristics).

bUnspecified recruiting method.

cPotential third-variable/directionality problems (cross-sectional design).

dNo test of perceived similarity of tasks and gaming experience.

ePossible differential placebo effects.

Classification is based on the design and reported methods of the study, not on the results. For example, a study producing a null result might still be listed as subject to third-variable problems if it was cross-sectional. As noted in the text, underreporting of methods makes it unclear how many distinct video game training replications exist.