Figure 1.
Structures of the HSV-1 virion and capsid. (a) Electron micrograph showing a single HSV-1 virion in cross-section. Note the four concentric layers that constitute the virion. The virion diameter is ~210 nm. (b) CryoEM reconstruction of an HSV-1 capsid shown in surface-shaded representation viewed along a face (3-fold axis). One of the capsid faces is illustrated in color with the hexons, pentons and triplexes shown in red, orange and blue, respectively. The capsid diameter is 125 nm. (c) View of the HSV-1 capsid with a single hexon and a single major capsid protein molecule extracted. Also shown are the VP5 upper domain whose structure was determined by X-ray crystallography (1NO7; [17**]), and an example of the bacteriophage capsid protein that docks into the major capsid protein floor domain (2FT1; [47]). Alpha helix, coil and beta structure are indicated in blue, gray and yellow, respectively.