Human wild-type K2P10.1-iso1, hK2P10.1-iso2, or hK2P10.1-iso3 channels studied in Xenopus oocytes by two-electrode voltage clamp using indicated voltage protocols. A, representative current families. B and C, K2P10.1 voltage dependence of activation. Step current amplitudes as function of test potentials recorded under isochronal conditions are shown (B, original current amplitudes; C, values normalized to maximum currents; n = 16). D, mean outward currents at steady-state evoked by steps to 0 mV (n = 16). E, mean resting membrane potentials (Vrest) are displayed for groups of 16 cells. Dotted lines indicate zero current levels. Error bars represent SEM; WT, wild-type. ***P < 0.001; ns, not significant versus K2P10.1-iso1 wild-type subunits.