(A) Histology of adipose tissue. Wild-type, A-ZIP/F-1, and ob/ob interscapular BAT, and wild-type and A-ZIP/F-1 epididymal WAT are shown as indicated. Hematoxylin and eosin staining magnification 150× (top and middle); 60× (bottom). (B) Expression of C/EBP regulated genes in adipose tissue. Three separate Northern blots containing total RNA from A-ZIP/F-1 interscapular BAT and from wild-type interscapular BAT and epididymal WAT were prepared and hybridized with DNA probes for UCP1, leptin, C/EBPα, and PPARγ. The UCP1, leptin, and C/EBPα blots contain 10 μg RNA per lane and the PPARγ blot, 5 μg of RNA per lane. Ethidium bromide staining is shown as a loading control.