Table 1. Models compared using Akaike's Information Criterion, adjusted for a small sample size (AICc) for the response variable Eggs Remaining (number of eggs remaining in the predator accessible treatment after 48 h of exposure).
Model | Explanation of Variable |
Area | Area of soybean fields where experiments were conducted |
Perimeter | Perimeter of soybean fields where experiments were conducted |
Prey | Average abundance of soybean aphid present within each site |
Potential Predators1 | Average abundance of all potential egg predators collected in sweep samples+average abundance of all potential egg predators collected on yellow sticky card traps |
Potential Exotic Predators2 | Average abundance of exotic potential egg predators collected in sweep samples+average abundance of exotic potential egg predators collected on yellow sticky card traps |
D | Simpson's Index of landscape heterogeneity, calculated at a radius of 2 km surrounding the study sites |
PC1 | Principal component 1 interpreted from Principal Components Analysis |
PC2 | Principal component 2 interpreted from Principal Components Analysis |
PC3 | Principal component 3 interpreted from Principal Components Analysis |
For the analysis of Eggs Remaining the variables (1) Potential Predators and (2) Potential Exotic Predators were included as predictors. These were also examined as response variables and a total of seven models were examined (Area, Perimeter, Prey, D, PC1, PC2, and PC3).