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. 2011 Sep 13;6(9):e23576. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023576

Table 1. Models compared using Akaike's Information Criterion, adjusted for a small sample size (AICc) for the response variable Eggs Remaining (number of eggs remaining in the predator accessible treatment after 48 h of exposure).

Model Explanation of Variable
Area Area of soybean fields where experiments were conducted
Perimeter Perimeter of soybean fields where experiments were conducted
Prey Average abundance of soybean aphid present within each site
Potential Predators1 Average abundance of all potential egg predators collected in sweep samples+average abundance of all potential egg predators collected on yellow sticky card traps
Potential Exotic Predators2 Average abundance of exotic potential egg predators collected in sweep samples+average abundance of exotic potential egg predators collected on yellow sticky card traps
D Simpson's Index of landscape heterogeneity, calculated at a radius of 2 km surrounding the study sites
PC1 Principal component 1 interpreted from Principal Components Analysis
PC2 Principal component 2 interpreted from Principal Components Analysis
PC3 Principal component 3 interpreted from Principal Components Analysis

For the analysis of Eggs Remaining the variables (1) Potential Predators and (2) Potential Exotic Predators were included as predictors. These were also examined as response variables and a total of seven models were examined (Area, Perimeter, Prey, D, PC1, PC2, and PC3).