Gene deletion-induced activation profile of wild-type and ΔIII Ire1. (A) As described in Materials and Methods, the ire1Δ strain KMY1516 (chromosomally carrying the 5X UPRE-lacZ reporter gene) was modified to carry the wild-type (WT) or the ΔIII IRE1 gene (pRS313-IRE1 or its mutant) and a deletion of the indicated genes. Subsequently, β-galactosidase activity of cells cultured without external stress stimuli was assayed and normalized against that of wild-type IRE1 wild-type cells (set at 1.00). Error bars represent the SDs from three independent transformants. According to Student's t test, the ΔIII mutation significantly compromised cellular β-galactosidase activity of cells carrying deletion of SCJ1, SPC2, STE24, ALG3, EOS1, PMT2, ERV14, ERV25, or ERD1, but not of WT cells or cells carrying deletion of the other genes (p < 0.05). (B) The ratio of the value for ΔIII Ire1 cells against that for WT Ire1 cells shown in (A) is calculated for each deletion and presented.