Cellular localization and activity of bZIP-Ire1. (A) The ire1Δ strain KMY1516 transformed with wild-type (WT) pRS423-IRE1-HA or its bZIP mutant version (or empty vector pRS423 [Vector]) was cultured under the indicated conditions and stained by mouse anti-HA antibody/FITC-labeled secondary antibody. (B) bZIP-Ire1-HA cells used in (A) were double-stained with rabbit anti-HA antibody/Cy5-labeled secondary antibody and rabbit anti–yeast BiP antibody/FITC-labeled secondary antibody. (C and D) The ire1Δ strain transformed with the bZIP mutant version of pRS313-IRE1 was stressed by the indicated stimuli. Total RNA samples were then analyzed by RT-PCR to evaluate splicing efficiency of the HAC1 mRNA. Error bars represent the SDs from three independent transformants.