Loss of Nrarp specifically increases Hes5 expression but does not affect cyclical gene expression patterns. (A) Quantification of NICD by immunoblotting (n = 3). The ratios of NICD to β-actin are indicated. (C) Immunoreactivity of NICD in the PSM. The black bars are used to indicate the location of the NICD. The activity in the PSM and the caudal parts of the somites was higher in the Nrarp−/– embryos, although dynamic NICD distribution patterns were maintained. Scale bar, 200 μm. (B, D–F) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for Hes5, Hes7, Lfng, and Axin2, at E 10.5. Scale bar, 200 μm. (B) Hes5 expression increased dramatically in the PSM of the Nrarp−/– embryos, but the pattern was not affected. (D–F) The expression pattern was divided into three phases, Phase I (left), Phase II (middle), and Phase III (right), according to a previous report. The expression patterns of Hes7, Lfng, and Axin2 were not affected in the Nrarp−/– embryos. The bars are used to indicate the expression domain: the black bars indicate strong expression and the gray bars indicate weak expression.