Expression of Gdf7 in the embryonic CNS. (A–C) Distribution of Gdf7 in the embryonic mouse CNS; (D) distribution of the related chick GDF6/7 gene in the developing chick spinal cord (SC). (A,B) Transverse sections through the mouse caudal neural tube showing Gdf7 expression in the roof plate (RP) at E9.5 (A) and at E11.5 (B). (C) Parasagittal section through the E15.5 mouse hindbrain (HB) showing Gdf7 expression in the choroid plexus (CP) of the fourth ventricle. (D) Transverse section through stage 20 chick spinal cord showing selective expression of GDF6/7 in the roof plate. Although chick GDF6/7 is slightly more similar in sequence to mouse Gdf6 than mouse Gdf7 (see F), its expression pattern resembles that of Gdf7. (E) Sequence alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of the mature carboxy-terminal domains of mouse (m) GDF7 (Storm et al. 1994), human (h) GDF7, chick (c) GDF6/7 and zebrafish (z) RADAR (Rissi et al. 1995). (F) Sequence relationship between mouse GDF7, human GDF7, chick GDF6/7, zebrafish RADAR, and other mouse BMP and GDF family members (Hogan 1996). Sequence similarity was determined by comparison of predicted amino acid sequences following the first cysteine residue of the mature carboxy-terminal domains. This dendrogram was generated by use of the Genetics Computer Group program PileUp.