Figure 9.
β-gal+–GATA6−/− ES cells fail to contribute to the embryonic bronchial epithelium of GATA6−/−–C57BL/6 chimeric embryos. (A) X-gal staining of an E10.5 GATA6−/−–C57BL/6 chimeric embryo. (B) Histological analysis of a section through the thoracic region of an E10.5 GATA6−/−–C57BL/6 chimera. (v) Ventricular and (a) atrial chambers of the primitive heart, (nt) neural tube, (s) somites, (g) primitive foregut. Magnification, 10×. (C) In situ hybridization of a section through the primitive lung bud of an E13.5 mouse embryo by use of a GATA6 antisense riboprobe. (Arrowheads) Bronchial epithelium. (D) Histological analysis of a section through the primitive lung bud of an E13.5 chimeric embryo. (Arrowheads) Bronchial epithelium. Magnification 10×. (E) Same as D but magnification, 20×. (F) Histological analysis of a section through the primitive lung bud of a control E13.5 GATA6+/−–C57BL/6 chimeric embryo. β-gal+–GATA6+/− cells contribute to both the bronchial epithelium (arrowheads) and the lung mesenchyme. Magnification, 20×.