Figure 5.
The endocrine pancreas of newborn mice bearing one inactive p48 allele shows a normal structural and functional organization. Tissue sections of dissected intestinal tracts derived from 18-dpc +/+ and +/− mice were analyzed for the expression of markers diagnostic for the endocrine (Li) compartment of the pancreas, such as insulin (ins; red color), glucagon (glu; dark blue color), C peptide (Cp; dark blue color), somatostatin (som; dark blue color), and pancreatic polypeptide (ppp; dark blue color). The pancreas in h was assayed for the simultaneous presence of insulin (red color) and Pdx-1 (dark blue color) in the β cell cytoplasm and nucleus (arrows), respectively. The pancreas of a was counterstained with hematoxylin. The inset of c highlights the cytoplasmic localization of the immunostain. Panels a–g are shown at the same relative magnification.