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. 2010 Nov 26;7:16.

Table 3: Emergency contraceptive Practice among female students of Adama University, Adama, Central Ethiopia, February, 2009.

Characteristics Number Percent (%)
Ever Used EC among sexual active(n= 194)
Yes 31 16
No 163 84
Ever Used EC among unprotected sex(n= 116)
Yes 31 26.7
No 85 73.3
Methods used as EC (n=31)
EC pills 23 74.2
IUCD 2 6.4
I don't know/remember 6 19.4
Place obtained (n=31)*
Pharmacy 15 48.4
Government health institutions 12 38.7
Private clinics 4 12.9
Time EC were used (n=31)
Correct(with in 72 hrs for ECPs & 120hrs for IUCD) 11 35.5
Do not(out of the 72 hrs ECPs & 120 for IUCD) 20 64.5
How many times used (n=31)
Once 15 48.4
Two and above 6 19.4
Not remember 8 25.8
I don't know 2 6.4
Told to use EC (significant others) (n=31) *
Friends female/peers 17 54.3
Boyfriends/partner 13 41.9
Health worker 11 35.5
Teachers in the class 2 6.5

Ever Used EC (n= 194) means those that used ever EC from previously sexually active girls and Ever Used EC (n= 116) means those who have ever used EC from those girls who had ever engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse