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. 2011 Mar 16;19(8):882–886. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2011.40

Table 2. Comparisons of mean ages at death (SE in parenthesis) conditioned on survival to age 30 of parents of probands with the respective Italian birth cohort, birth years 1876 for fathers, 1882 for mothers.

Parents of probands Mean age at death by sex conditional on survival to age 30 Italian cohort life tablesa Excess years P-valueb
Men (N=166) 75.49 (0.98) 67.44 8.05 <0.001
Women (N=157) 76.06 (1.10) 70.78 5.28 <0.001

Note: source, Human Mortality Database:; calculations by the authors.


Life expectancy at birth conditioned on survival to age 30 for the Italian birth cohort. Cohort life table estimates were assumed to have zero variance.


P-value refers to t-Student's test.