Adjusted mean (±SEM) BMD by quartiles 1–4 (from left to right) of body weight–adjusted abdominal fat mass in women (A) and in men (B). Data were adjusted for age (y), current smoking status (yes or no), education (<9th grade, 9th–12th grade, General Education Development, some college, college, or graduate school), alcohol intake (g/d), energy intake (kcal/d), season of bone mineral density measurement (spring, summer, fall, or winter), osteoporosis prescription medication use (yes or no), physical activity score (%), calcium intake (mg/d), plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D status (ng/mL), body weight (kg), and height (m) by using ANCOVA (PROC GLM; SAS Institute). Adjustment for multiple comparisons was performed by using Dunnett's adjustment. A: quartile 1, n = 116, median (range) = 2.84 (1.84–3.06); quartile 2, n = 116, median (range) = 3.25 (3.07–3.38); quartile 3, n = 117, median (range) = 3.55 (3.39–3.67); quartile 4, n = 116, median (range) = 3.92 (3.68–5.09). *,**,***Significantly different from quartile 1: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. : quartile 1, n = 41, median (range) = 2.38 (1.63–2.68); quartile 2, n = 41, median (range) = 2.86 (2.69–3.05); quartile 3, n = 41, median (range) = 3.27 (3.06–3.45); quartile 4, n = 41, median (range) = 3.64 (3.46–4.96). BMD, bone mineral density.