Fluorescence micrographs of HepG2 and L-02 cells treated for 48 hours (200× magnification). (A) vehicle (HepG2), (B) FITC-labeled SNP20 at 160 μg/mL (HepG2), (C) vehicle (L-02), (D) FITC-labeled SNP20 at 160 μg/mL (L-02). Cells were stained with DAPI to visualize nuclear morphology (blue). FITC-labeled SNP20 (green) were localized inside HepG2 cells. The top left quadrants represent the cell nuclei (blue) stained with DAPI. The top right quadrants represent the phase contrast image, the bottom left quadrants represent the FITC-labeled (green) silica nanoparticles, the bottom right quadrants represent the overlay of the top left quadrants and the bottom left quadrants. Also shown are flow cytometry analyses of (E) HepG2 and (F) L-02 cells incubated with 160 μg/mL FITC-labeled silica nanoparticles for 24 hours.
Abbreviations: FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; SNP7, size 7 nm silica nanoparticles; SNP20, size 20 nm silica nanoparticles; SNP50, size 50 nm silica nanoparticles.