mNOA1 expression is regulated by the concentration of oxygen. A, mNOA1 mRNA expression levels normalized to β-actin in C2C12 myoblasts under normoxia, after 6-h or 12-h hypoxia or after 24-h hypoxia and 2-h reoxygenation (Reox.). B, mNOA1 protein levels normalized to pan-actin in C2C12 myoblasts after 6-h or 12-h hypoxia or after 24-h hypoxia and 2-h reoxygenation. C, mitochondrial enzyme activity I+III normalized to the mitochondrial marker enzyme citrate synthase in C2C12 myoblasts after 12-h or 24-h hypoxia or after 24-h hypoxia and 2-h reoxygenation. Data are given as mean ± S.D. (error bars).