Determination of the assembly state of ENaC homomers. A, low magnification AFM image of αHA/V5-ENaC. Note that the sample contains particles of various sizes. Scale bar, 200 nm; shade-height scale, 0–4 nm. B, low magnification image of αHA/V5-ENaC that had been incubated with anti-V5 antibodies. Arrowheads indicate singly decorated particles; arrows indicate doubly decorated particles. Scale bar, 200 nm; shade-height scale, 0–4 nm. C, gallery of zoomed images of αHA/V5-ENaC (top), βHA/V5-ENaC (middle), and γHA/V5-ENaC (bottom) particles that are decorated by two peripheral particles (anti-V5 antibodies). Scale bar, 50 nm; shade-height scale, 0–2.5 nm. D–F, frequency distributions of molecular volumes of αHA/V5-ENaC (D), βHA/V5-ENaC (E), and γHA/V5-ENaC (F) particles that were decorated by two anti-V5 antibodies. The curves indicate the fitted Gaussian functions. The means of the distributions are indicated. Note that the antibody-decorated particles shown in C are from the lowest volume peaks in D–F. G–I, frequency distributions of angles between pairs of anti-V5 antibodies bound to αHA/V5-ENaC (G), βHA/V5-ENaC (H), and γHA/V5-ENaC (I). The curves indicate the fitted Gaussian functions. The peaks of the distributions are indicated.