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. 2011 Sep 14;6(9):e23195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023195

Figure 4. Impact of the biomaterials and culture media on MSC at growth and differentiation state.

Figure 4

A) Heatmap representation of medium-dependant effects on MSC, cultured for 21 days on TCPS, Resomer® LT706 and PCL, either in growth medium (GM) or in differentiation medium (OIM). T = TCPS; L = Resomer® LT706; P = PCL; D = donor at day 0; 1,2,3 = different donors (n = 3); B) Heatmap representation of biomaterial impact on differentiation state (MSC cultured in OIM after 21 days). Genes boxed by a discontinuous line are similarly expressed in TCPS and Resomer® LT706 (upper box) or in Resomer® LT706 and PCL (lower box). Genes highlighted in orange were analysed by RT-qPCR. T = TCPS; L = Resomer® LT706; P = PCL; 1,2,3 = different donors; C) RT-qPCR for SFRP4, PRELP, COMP, COL11A1, ELN and CCL2 to confirm gene array results of Figure 4C. Expression of genes was normalised to the reference gene ß-actin. TCPS was used as calibrator. n = 3.