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. 2004 Jan 5;5:1. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-5-1

Table 1.

PyEvolve benchmarking. Time taken was estimated as time for optimisation. Number of runs per condition ranged from 1 to 5. 1Model – See text for details of the codon and dinuc substitution models; 2Levels – indicates whether Simulated Annealing (SA), Likelihood Function (LF) or BOTH parallelisation levels were used; 3Parallel degree refers to the number of virtual cpu's at the 4SA or LF levels (for the LF level, this is defined per SA virtual cpu); 5the number of likelihood function evaluations made during the optimisation for 610 or 20 sequences, expressed in thousands. See text for details of the data and hardware used.

Model 1 Levels 2 Total cpus Parallel degree 3 lfe (1000's) 5 Total Time (minutes) Time (seconds) per 1000 lfe

SA 4 LF 4 10 6 20 6 10 20 10 20
codon Serial 1 1 1 56 121 124 269 133.06 133.65

LF 2 1 2 56 121 81 182 86.49 90.16
4 1 4 56 122 55 130 58.69 63.78
8 1 8 57 122 41 100 43.99 49.02
16 1 16 57 120 35 82 36.52 41.02

SA 2 2 1 57 122 85 178 89.40 87.22
4 4 1 57 121 58 121 60.19 60.15
8 8 1 57 122 44 99 46.10 48.83
16 16 1 58 122 38 88 39.48 43.16

BOTH 4 2 2 57 125 56 125 59.39 60.03
8 2 4 58 122 40 89 41.57 43.74
8 4 2 57 121 39 85 40.92 42.37
16 2 8 56 121 30 69 32.28 34.47
16 4 4 58 121 28 63 29.31 31.27
16 8 2 57 121 31 71 32.70 35.30

dinuc Serial 1 1 1 54 119 17 37 19.22 18.47

LF 2 1 2 54 119 11 24 12.59 12.29
4 1 4 54 119 7 16 7.80 7.82
8 1 8 54 117 5 11 5.30 5.55
16 1 16 55 119 4 9 4.04 4.41

SA 2 2 1 53 118 11 23 12.19 11.51
4 4 1 54 118 7 15 8.32 7.77
8 8 1 54 118 5 12 5.91 5.89
16 16 1 53 118 4 10 4.73 4.86

BOTH 4 2 2 54 118 7 15 8.07 7.69
8 2 4 54 118 5 10 5.14 5.04
8 4 2 54 117 5 10 5.61 5.28
16 2 8 54 118 3 7 3.76 3.74
16 4 4 54 119 3 7 3.76 3.57
16 8 2 54 119 4 8 4.13 4.10