Figure 6.
Food restriction amplifies circadian rhythm of circulating eosinophils in mice.*P < 0.001 from test of equality of amplitudes. ** After log10-transformation of data expressed as percentage of mean. Parameter estimations and comparisons can be derived from the fit of a 24-h cosine curve (shown with original timepoint mean values ± 1 standard deviation). Circulating eosinophil counts of the underfed group are lower (P<0.001) than those of the control group. The circadian pattern of the underfed group has a larger amplitude (P<0.001) and an earlier acrophase (P=0.003) as compared to that of the control group. This microscopic approach quantifies the effect of food restriction upon the eosinophil counts, also documented by an analysis of variance as a statistically significant time-group interaction [303].