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. 2011 Sep;72(5):799–810. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2011.72.799

Table 1.

Standardized factor loadings and fit indices for measurement models

Model 1 (n = 4,027)
Model 2 (n = 2,562)
Model 3 (n = 2,609)
Model 4 (n = 1,989)
Item Neighborhood and school strength Alcohol use Home alcohol access Protective family management Deviant peer affiliations Beliefs favorable to use Alcohol use
Neighborhood context
 Perceived neighborhood strength .750
 Neighborhood and police preventive action .761
 Perceived neighborhood problems .309
 School strength .254
Home and family management
 Last time drank, received alcohol from parent .187
 Easy to get alcohol from parent .641
 Easy to get alcohol from home .750
 Parent ask about school .591
 Parent praise when do a good job .549
 Eat dinner with parent .455
 Parent ask who with .453
 Parent/child conversations .577
 Parent talk about problems alcohol can cause .805
 Parent talk about family rules against drinking .728
 Parent talk about consequences of drinking .739
 Parent talk about influence of ads/commercials .603
Deviant peer affiliations
 Past month, how often friends asked to drink .902
 Past month, how often friends asked to get drunk .839
Beliefs favorable to use
 Normative estimates and expectations .807
 Outcome expectancies .593
 Self efficacy .535
Alcohol use
 Past-year alcohol use .765 .858
 Past-month alcohol use .833 .987
 Past-week alcohol use .681 .824
 Heavy episodic use .697 .709
 Ever drunk .527 .536
Fit indices
 CFI .945 .925 .995 .954
 TLI .924 .906 .986 .908
 RMSEA .019 .064 .037 .101
 SRMR .021 .039 .015 .034

Notes: Other neighborhood contextual items (exposure to alcohol advertisements, off-sale alcohol outlet density, commercial alcohol accessibility, and area deprivation) did not load sufficiently with the two identified factors or with each other in Model 1; therefore, each was included separately in structural models. CFI = comparative fit index; TLI = Tucker–Lewis index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; SRMR = standardized root mean square residual.