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. 2011 Oct;101(10):1882–1891. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300227


Population Characteristics of Older Adults With and Without a Dental Visit in the Previous 2 Years: Health and Retirement Study, United States, 2004 and 2006

Total 2004 and 2006Population in Thousands Dental Care Utilization in the 2 Years Preceding the 2004 and 2006 Interviews
Dental Care Utilization in the 2 Years Preceding the 2004 Interview
No Dental Care Utilization in the 2 Years Preceding the 2004 Interview
Population Characteristics Yes, % (SE) No,a %, SE) Population in Thousands Stopped Utilization by 2006, % (SE) Population in Thousands Started Utilization by 2006, % (SE)
Total 74 047 58.14 (0.98) 24.69 (0.76) 49 758 13.47 (0.48) 24 289 24.72 (0.58)
Age, y
    51–64 38 921 62.46 (1.16) 20.22 (0.85) 27 753 12.40 (0.59) 11 168 29.55 (1.01)
    65–69 10 087 57.81 (1.20) 26.81 (1.08) 6593 11.56 (0.78) 3494 22.59 (1.34)
    70–74 8364 55.31 (1.64) 27.60 (1.37) 5408 14.45 (1.11) 2957 21.91 (1.50)
    ≥ 75 16 675 49.68 (1.20) 32.40 (1.08) 10 005 17.19 (0.92) 6670 18.99 (0.97)
    Men 33 713 56.41 (1.12) 25.33 (0.83) 22 223 14.43 (0.65) 11 490 25.68 (0.93)
    Women 40 334 59.59 (1.01) 24.16 (0.86) 27 534 12.71 (0.52) 12 800 23.86 (0.86)
    Black non-Hispanic 6668 35.12 (1.47) 39.57 (1.57) 3255 28.06 (1.87) 3412 22.67 (1.78)
    Hispanic 5178 36.76 (3.16) 38.38 (2.68) 2607 27.00 (2.69) 2571 22.69 (1.91)
    White non-Hispanic 60 317 62.77 (0.97) 21.81 (0.73) 42 700 11.33 (0.52) 17 617 25.34 (0.72)
    Other non-Hispanic 1876 50.52 (3.74) 26.51 (3.50) 1195 20.69 (2.94) 681 26.96 (5.28)
Family incomeb
    Poor 5661 26.95 (1.55) 49.16 (2.12) 2281 33.13 (2.23) 3379 17.65 (1.96)
    Low income 11 983 35.53 (1.41) 42.18 (1.28) 5681 25.05 (1.27) 6302 19.81 (1.13)
    Middle income 21 605 52.89 (1.18) 27.72 (1.08) 13 743 16.85 (1.00) 7862 23.83 (1.16)
    High income 34 799 74.26 (0.87) 12.82 (0.55) 28 052 7.88 (0.42) 6746 33.89 (1.36)
    < high-school degree 13 054 26.29 (1.41) 51.50 (1.40) 5041 31.91 (1.83) 8013 16.10 (0.81)
    High-school graduate 42 912 58.02 (0.90) 23.60 (0.71) 29 056 14.32 (0.67) 13 857 26.92 (0.95)
    College graduate 18 019 81.55 (0.98) 7.84 (0.58) 15 622 5.93 (0.46) 2397 41.06 (2.69)
Marital status
    Married 49 340 63.49 (1.14) 20.39 (0.85) 35 439 11.61 (0.51) 13 902 27.64 (0.91)
    Widowed or divorced 21 957 46.81 (1.12) 33.69 (0.97) 12 648 18.73 (1.03) 9309 20.54 (1.13)
    Never married 2743 52.86 (2.46) 30.04 (2.45) 1669 13.13 (1.91) 1074 23.27 (3.77)
Household size
    1 15 790 51.50 (1.15) 30.20 (0.91) 9723 16.36 (1.02) 6067 21.41 (1.31)
    2 39 363 63.14 (1.20) 21.16 (0.93) 28 084 11.50 (0.51) 11 279 26.16 (0.98)
    ≥ 3 18 894 53.28 (1.55) 27.46 (1.18) 11 951 15.76 (0.90) 6944 25.28 (1.20)
Health status
    Excellent or very good 32 090 71.33 (1.05) 15.17 (0.72) 25 043 8.60 (0.49) 7047 30.93 (1.18)
    Good 22 186 56.68 (1.07) 24.77 (0.91) 14 716 14.55 (0.68) 7470 26.43 (1.25)
    Fair or poor 19 682 38.36 (1.23) 40.18 (1.03) 9940 24.05 (1.23) 9741 18.82 (0.76)
Permanent teeth
    All missing 12 054 11.42 (0.66) 66.84 (1.08) 2898 52.48 (2.34) 9156 12.00 (0.98)
    Not missing all 61 993 67.23 (0.97) 16.50 (0.72) 46 860 11.06 (0.45) 15 133 32.41 (1.06)

Source. RAND Health and Retirement Study Data, Version H.10

Note. Percentages across the rows sum to > 100% because the base for the percentages in the last 2 panels is not the total population but rather subsets of the total for those with or without dental care use in the 2 y preceding the 2004 interview. Population characteristics were measured at the time of the 2006 interview, for the 2-y period preceding the 2006 survey interview, or between the 2004 and 2006 interviews where indicated. Persons with missing data for specific categories are included in the population total but excluded from the respective categories. The total sample size for the table is 16 345, which does not include 646 who were not respondents in both the 2004 and 2006 waves and 1478 who either had 0 weights or did not have dental visit data in both Health and Retirement Study waves.


Person reported no dental care utilization in both 2-y periods preceding the 2004 and 2006 interviews.


Low income refers to persons in families with incomes 101% to 200% of the poverty line; middle income, 201% to 400% of the poverty line; and high income, > 400% of the poverty line. Poor persons were at or < 100% of the poverty line including persons in families with negative income.