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. 2011 Oct;101(10):1882–1891. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300227


Characteristics of Older Adults by Labor Force Status: Health and Retirement Study, United States, 2004 and 2006

Total 2004 and 2006 Population in 000s In the Labor Force 2004 and 2006a
Entered the Labor Force Between 2004 and 2006b
Not in the Labor Force 2004 and 2006c
Exited the Labor Force Between 2004 and 2006d
Population Characteristic Population in Thousands % (SE) Population in Thousands % (SE) Population in Thousands % (SE) Population in Thousands % (SE)
Total 72 931 31 085 42.62 (0.62) 2065 2.83 (0.14) 34 012 46.64 (0.61) 5770 7.91 (0.21)
Age, y
    51–64 38 499 25 360 65.87 (0.71) 1226 3.19 (0.23) 8487 22.04 (0.62) 3426 8.90 (0.36)
    65–69 9987 3004 30.08 (1.13) 390 3.90 (0.48) 5536 55.43 (1.19) 1058 10.59 (0.66)
    70–74 8228 1559 18.95 (0.97) 227 2.76 (0.36) 5768 70.10 (1.06) 674 8.19 (0.54)
    ≥ 75 16 216 1162 7.16 (0.41) 221 1.37 (0.17) 14 221 87.70 (0.59) 612 3.77 (0.28)
    Men 33 480 16 593 49.56 (0.81) 935 2.79 (0.22) 13 161 39.31 (0.76) 2791 8.34 (0.34)
    Women 39 451 14 491 36.73 (0.69) 1130 2.86 (0.19) 20 851 52.85 (0.65) 2979 7.55 (0.34)
    Black non-Hispanic 6434 2581 40.12 (1.51) 242 3.77 (0.47) 3039 47.23 (1.60) 571 8.88 (0.65)
    Hispanic 4992 2065 41.37 (1.86) 89 1.78 (0.34) 2362 47.31 (2.15) 476 9.53 (1.08)
    White non-Hispanic 59 668 25 536 42.80 (0.75) 1689 2.83 (0.18) 27 827 46.64 (0.74) 4616 7.74 (0.26)
    Other non-Hispanic 1829 901 49.28 (3.78) 44 2.40 (0.99) 785 42.89 (4.09) 99 5.42 (1.27)
Family incomee
    Poor 5351 813 15.19 (1.29) 156 2.92 (0.52) 3863 72.19 (1.63) 519 9.70 (0.99)
    Low income 11 662 2185 18.73 (1.09) 385 3.30 (0.36) 8091 69.38 (1.18) 1001 8.58 (0.58)
    Middle income 21 302 6951 32.63 (0.99) 624 2.93 (0.32) 11 934 56.02 (0.97) 1794 8.42 (0.45)
    High income 34 617 21 136 61.06 (0.92) 900 2.60 (0.23) 10 125 29.25 (0.88) 2456 7.09 (0.33)
    < high-school degree 12 548 2742 21.85 (0.91) 327 2.61 (0.32) 8553 68.17 (1.13) 925 7.38 (0.52)
    High-school graduate 42 342 17 842 42.14 (0.83) 1302 3.08 (0.20) 19 818 46.80 (0.79) 3380 7.98 (0.33)
    College graduate 17 980 10 489 58.34 (1.20) 433 2.41 (0.36) 5608 31.19 (0.97) 1450 8.07 (0.51)
Marital status
    Married 48 940 23 323 47.66 (0.82) 1494 3.05 (0.19) 20 109 41.09 (0.77) 4013 8.20 (0.31)
    Widowed or divorced 21 328 6489 30.42 (0.76) 496 2.32 (0.27) 12 800 60.01 (0.74) 1544 7.24 (0.35)
    Never married 2656 1267 47.72 (2.30) 75 2.82 (0.69) 1102 41.51 (2.12) 211 7.95 (1.30)
Household size
    1 15 383 4784 31.10 (1.08) 378 2.46 (0.29) 9107 59.20 (1.03) 1114 7.24 (0.45)
    2 38 959 16 241 41.69 (0.75) 1110 2.85 (0.22) 18 309 46.99 (0.78) 3300 8.47 (0.36)
    ≥ 3 18 590 10 060 54.12 (1.19) 577 3.10 (0.28) 6596 35.48 (1.07) 1357 7.30 (0.45)
Health status
    Excellent or very good 31 890 17 836 55.93 (0.96) 1066 3.34 (0.24) 10 822 33.93 (0.84) 2167 6.79 (0.36)
    Good 21 918 9173 41.85 (1.03) 650 2.97 (0.30) 10 203 46.55 (1.04) 1892 8.63 (0.44)
    Fair or poor 19 038 4060 21.33 (0.75) 346 1.82 (0.29) 12 944 67.99 (0.81) 1688 8.86 (0.47)
Permanent teeth
    All missing 11 727 2677 22.83 (1.09) 383 3.27 (0.37) 7860 67.03 (1.13) 807 6.88 (0.50)
    Not missing all 61 205 28 408 46.41 (0.67) 1681 2.75 (0.16) 26 152 42.73 (0.65) 4963 8.11 (0.26)
Dental coverage
    Never covered 31 995 9312 29.10 (0.76) 934 2.92 (0.21) 19 424 60.71 (0.86) 2325 7.27 (0.31)
    Lost coverage 6016 2272 37.78 (1.73) 212 3.53 (0.63) 2746 45.64 (1.71) 785 13.05 (1.08)
    Gained coverage 5228 2206 42.20 (1.88) 153 2.93 (0.53) 2497 47.76 (1.68) 371 7.10 (0.82)
    Always covered 29 692 17 294 58.24 (1.15) 765 2.58 (0.23) 9345 31.47 (1.07) 2288 7.71 (0.48)

Source. RAND Health Retirement Study Data, Version H.10

Note. Population characteristics were measured at the time of the 2006 interview, for the 2-y period preceding the 2006 survey interview, or between the 2004 and 2006 interviews where indicated. Persons with missing data for specific categories are included in the population total but excluded from the respective categories. The total sample size for the table is 16 061, which excludes 284 from the sample in Tables 1 and 2 who had missing labor force or retirement status data in at least 1 survey period.


Persons in the labor force or partly retired in both periods.


Persons becoming partly retired or in the labor force in 2006 from being not in the labor force or fully retired in 2004.


Persons fully retired or not in the labor force in both periods.


Persons becoming fully retired or not in the labor force in 2006 from being in the labor force or partly retired in 2004.


Low income refers to persons in families with incomes 101% to 200% of the poverty line; middle income, 201% to 400% of the poverty line; and high income, more than 400% of the poverty line. Poor persons were at or below < 100% of the poverty line including persons in families with negative income.