Figure 1.
IC50 : fCmax ratio calculations for verapamil and propafenone. (A) Typical hNav1.5 current recordings generated using an IonWorks™-based assay. Each individual recording shows data from a single well in response to vehicle (0.33% dimethyl sulphoxide, solid line) followed by a single concentration of verapamil (dotted line). Each recording is taken from the eighth pulse to 0 mV from a holding potential of −90 mV. (B) Graphs show concentration–effect curves for hNav1.5 channels generated using the same assay. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) and maximal free plasma concentration in human (fCmax) values are also plotted. For propafenone, the hNav1.5 IC50 is 1.2 µM and fCmax is 0.9 µM, giving a ratio (safety margin) of 1.3. For verapamil, the hNav1.5 IC50 is 9.3 µM and the fCmax is 0.08 µM, giving a ratio of 115.