Fig. 2.
Telomere-length dynamics during establishment and expansion of ES cell lines as well as in vivo aggregation of ES cells in morulae. (A) Mean telomere length for ICM cultivated from the 60-mm tissue-culture plate, and successive passages of ES cells. Telomere length was analyzed by metaphase Q-FISH. n = number of ICM colonies or independent ES and primary MEF cultures. (B) Scheme of the aggregation experiments. Established ES cells at passage 16 expressing GFP were microinjected in eight-cell morulae. Blastocyst from injected and noninjected morulae were fixed for the analysis of telomere length by telomapping. (C) Mean telomere length for primary MEFs (passage 2), noninjected and injected blastocysts, as well as GFP-ES cells before injection (passage 16) and ES cells at passage 9. n = number of blastocysts or independent clones of ES cells or primary MEFs. (D) Representative images of an injected blastocyst.