Fig. 3.
TS2-neo mice showed decreased approach behavior to a novel environment. (A) After a 5-d exposure to home-cage environment with a shelter and water/food, NE (additional tube and chamber) was attached for 15 min. (B) TS2-neo mice showed twofold increases in latency to initiate contact with NE (P = 0.02, Mann–Whitney u test) (Left) and to enter it (P = 0.03, Mann–Whitney u test) (Right) and entered it significantly fewer times (C, P = 0.01, Student's t test). (D) A minute-to-minute comparison of time spent in NE showed significant genotype effect (P = 0.02, ANOVA) (Left). TS2-neo mice spent less than half as much time in NE than WT (P = 0.02, Student's t test) (Right) but a correspondingly longer time in the shelter (E, Left, P = 0.01, Student's t test). (E, Right) No genotype difference for time spent in the open area of the home-cage. n (each genotype) = 12.