Diagrams illustrating anterograde labeling associated with PHA-L injections at dorsal (99052 BSTl-d), intermediate (06042 BSTl-i) and ventral (06043 BSTl-v) parts of the lateral division of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTl-d, BSTl-i and BSTl-v, respectively) and in the lateral preoptic area (09025 LPO). The injection sites are shown in Fig. 7A–F. Broken lines circumscribe the tyrosine hydroxylase-rich midbrain dopaminergic complex, these having been circumscribed from adjacent serial sections processed to illustrate TH immunoreactivity. Sections processed for TH immunoreactivity were unavailable for case 09052 (A–D). Note the increasing medialward spread of anterograde labeling in the RRF and particularly into the VTA with more ventral injections and that the anterograde labeling after ventral BST injections most resembles that observed following injections into the LPO, particularly with respect to the VTA. For abbreviations, see list.