Chemical detection by anisaldehyde (A), and autoradiogram obtained by binding of 125I-labeled F4ab fimbriae (B). The lanes were: Lane 1, non-acid glycosphingolipids of human erythrocytes, 40 µg; Lanes 2–5, fractions P:tri:I, P:tri:II, P:tri:III and P:tri:IV, respectively, from pig small intestinal epithelium, 4 µg/lane. (C) ESI mass spectrum of fraction P:tri:I from pig small intestinal epithelium. (D) ESI mass spectrum of fraction P:tri:II from pig small intestinal epithelium. (E) ESI mass spectrum of fraction P:tri:III from pig small intestinal epithelium. (F) MS2 spectrum of the [M-H]− ion at m/z 1168 of fraction P:tri:III. (G) Interpretation formula representing the species with t18:0-h24:0 ceramide.