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. 2011 Aug;3(4):183–192. doi: 10.1177/1756287211418724

Table 1.

Summary of pending focal therapy trials.

Modality Protocol n Biopsy PSA GS
MSKCC Cryotherapy Hemiablation 50 TRUS <10 ≤6
MD Anderson Cryotherapy Extended 100 TRUS <10 <3+4
Milan, Italy Cryotherapy Hemiablation 100 TRUS <10 ≤6
Ahmed/Emberton HIFU Focal 43 Template <15 ≤7
Ahmed/Emberton H1FU Index lesion 26 Template or <15 ≤8
France HIFU Hemiablation 120 TRUS/MRI <10 ≤7
Multicenter HIFU Focal, Hemiablation, 150 Template or <15 ≤7
 Europe  Index lesion  TRUS/MRI
Multicenter PDT-WST-11 Variable 85 Not reported Not Not
 Europe  reported  reported

PSA, prostate-specific antigen; GS, Gleason Score; HIFU, high-frequency ultrasound; TRUS, transrectal ultrasound; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PDT, photodynamic therapy.