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. 2011 Apr 24;20(10):1669–1675. doi: 10.1007/s00586-011-1809-3

Table 2.

Mean (SD) scores at 12 months for leg pain (VAS), back pain (VAS), Sciatica Bothersomeness Index (SBI), Maine-Seattle Back Questionnaire (MSBQ), SF-36 bodily pain, SF-36 physical functioning registered at every category of the 7-point global change scale

Global change of sciatica symptoms n a Leg pain
Back pain
Sciatica Bothersomeness Index
Maine-Seattle Back Questionnaire
SF-36 bodily pain
SF-36 physical functioning
Completely recovered 61 1.9 (6.0) 6.3 (18.1) 0.9 (2.0) 0.7 (1.5) 80.6 (22.9) 92.4 (11.3)
Much better 161 14.4 (16.7) 16.1 (15.0) 4.6 (3.6) 2.6 (2.1) 64.9 (18.3) 85.6 (14.2)
Better 59 28.9 (22.5) 30.6 (22.1) 8.7 (5.2) 5.2 (3.0) 50.5 (18.0) 72.9 (19.8)
A little better 53 40.0 (27.6) 49.8 (25.9) 10.3 (4.3) 6.5 (3.0) 41.3 (16.8) 65.2 (22.1)
No change 44 62.9 (27.3) 55.3 (28.3) 14.6 (5.1) 7.7 (2.2) 36.5 (19.0) 60.8 (20.3)
A little worse 20 52.5 (28.3) 61.0 (21.4) 13.3 (5.3) 8.2 (1.7) 29.7 (18.3) 59.4 (22.1)
Much worse 10 82.1 (14.6) 55.9 (32.5) 18.3 (5.2) 9.3 (2.0) 21.5 (16.0) 44.0 (25.1)

a408 completed the questionnaire

bHigher values indicate better health